About the iDB
The iDB exists since 2005 and was originally built to ease several procedures before and during the Kick-In. In 2004, lots of unnecessary time was spent and the organising committee of 2005 decided that this was to be fixed once and for all. The result of this effort is the iDB. Since the introduction in 2005, lots of things have changed and the functionality of the iDB was extended every year since. End 2012 the development of the new iDB version was started, designed to completely replace the old version. Today, the iDB consists of a combination of webapplications and regular desktop applications. Many modules provide functionality like the applications for participants, payment, application of crew members, rostering of all crew, etc.
The iDB-team
The people that form the core of the iDB team are shown below.
The old iDB-team
The people that once formed the core of the iDB team are shown below.